CHRISTOPHER J. MARTIN 852 WEST STREET WRENTHAM, MA 02093 (508) 384-1424 OBJECTIVE: To work in a Local Area Network environment which will allow me to learn new technologies and grow personally and professionally. EDUCATION: B.S. Business Management, June 1989 Southeastern Massachusetts University, Graduated Magna Cum Laude Certified Netware Engineer, January 1994 EXPERIENCE: SR. DATA PROCESSING SPECIALIST, Plymouth Rock January 1993 to Assurance Corporation, Boston, MA. Senior LAN Present specialist responsible for a regional network of 5 companies in four locations. Integrate new technologies into the existing network and optimize performance of devices on the network. DATA PROCESSING SPECIALIST, Plymouth Rock January 1990 to Assurance Corporation, Boston, MA. Responsible for January 1993 LAN maintenance for Plymouth Rock and 3 remote locations. Install and maintain Novell Netware fileservers, backup systems, bridges, gateways, faxservers and software. Configure and maintain communication lines and remote devices on the AS400. Also maintain lines to the S/36 and a remote IBM 3090. Duties include applications development in Paradox and dBASE III Plus. December 1988 to COMPUTER FACILITY MANAGER, Business Records October 1989 Corporation, Syracuse, NY. On site representative to the City of New Bedford. Responsible for all on site computer activities. Provided consulting to the City to determine, plan and implement new software requirements. June 1987 to COMPUTER OPERATIONS SUPERVISOR, Business December 1988 Records Corporation. Scheduled daily operations, billed AR and resolved software problems, trained City personnel and company computer operators. June 1985 to COMPUTER OPERATOR, Business Records Corporation, June 1987 Performed S/36 operations and configuration. Responsible for reports and daily file backup. Some RPG II programming, DFU and SDA. HARDWARE: Synoptics 28xx, 3xxx; 3com Netbuilder I, II; Compaq Deskpro, Systempro, Prolinea, Prosignia; Emerald Vast and Gigatrend tape drives, IBM S/36, AS400, Microcom & Retix bridges, Eicon and Icot Gateways (3270 & 5250), Intel and OAZ faxservers. SOFTWARE: Netware 3.11, 3.12 (some 4.01), Dos 3.1, 5.0, 6.0, Windows 3.1, Lanalyzer, Synoptics Lattisnet Manager, Carbon Copy, CoSession, Paradox 3.5, Dbase 3+, Microsoft Word 4.0-5.5, Harvard Graphics, Lotus 2.01-3.1, Arcserve, Intel Satisfaxtion, Gigatrend Mastersafe. REFERENCES: Provided upon request.